epiainsurance5 min readEnglishMedicare Q&A#Medicare #聯邦醫療保險 #健康保險 #聯邦醫療保險2022 #CoveredWithEpia Medicare Q&A 聯邦醫療保險紅藍卡常見問題 With recent government-approved budget increases and the...
epiainsurance3 min readEnglishWhat is Medicare Supplement Plan or Medigap?#Medicare #Medigap #HealthInsurance #CoveredWithEPIA #Medicare2022 What is Medicare Supplement Plan or Medigap? 什麼是Medicare補充計劃或Medigap?...
epiainsurance2 min readEnglishOSHA - Federal Government requires large employers to mandate coronavirus vaccineOSHA - Federal Government requires large employers to mandate coronavirus vaccine OSHA - 聯邦政府要求大型公司雇主強制員工接種新冠肺炎疫苗 The Federal...
epiainsurance2 min readEnglishSenate approves increased medicare budget.#Medicare #OpenEnrollment #Insurance #CoveredWithEPIA Senate approves increased medicare budget. 參議院批准增加醫療保險預算。 Older Americans would see...
epiainsurance2 min readEnglishThe impact of Covid-19 on Employee Benefits and the consequences on the post-pandemic scenarioThe Covid-19 pandemic compelled many employers to rethink how they use benefits to engage and reward their workers. Flexibility, once a...