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5 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Life (Insurance)

Writer: epiainsuranceepiainsurance

5 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Life (Insurance) 5 個可能毀掉你生活的錯誤(保險)

There are many good reasons to consider buying a life insurance policy, such as a recent marriage, a new baby, or taking on a large debt (like a house) loved ones would have trouble paying off if something happened to you. Or, perhaps you have witnessed first-hand the impact death has on surviving family members' finances. If you're in the market for life insurance or have recently bought a policy, make sure you don't put your family's finances in jeopardy by making these mistakes.

考慮購買人壽保險的理由有很多,比如最近結婚,生了一個孩子,或者背負了大筆債務(例如房子),如果你發生什麼意外,您的親人可能無法負擔和償還。或者,也許您目睹了死亡對倖存家庭成員財務的影響。如果您計劃購買人壽保險或已經購買了一份保單,請確保不要因為以下這些錯誤而危及您家庭的財務狀況。 Mistake #1 — Waiting to Buy Insurance

錯誤 #1 — 等待購買保險 When purchasing life insurance, it's important to consider the amount of coverage you need as well as the cost. Life insurance premiums are based on a number of factors, including your age and overall health.


Buying a life insurance policy sooner, rather than later, can work in your favor if you're hoping to secure a policy at the lowest possible cost. Life insurance rates generally increase as people age or their health deteriorates. And, in some cases, illnesses or health problems may make you ineligible for coverage. The longer you put off the buying decision the more the insurance will probably cost—if you can buy it at all.


Mistake #2 — Buying the Cheapest Policy

錯誤 #2 — 購買最便宜的保單

While it is important to shop for a policy that's affordably priced, it's important to consider what you're getting in return, in terms of coverage. Life insurance policies can be a bit complicated, so it's a good idea to learn about their features and benefits.


For example, term life insurance tends to be cheaper than permanent life insurance. But there's a caveat: term life insurance only covers you for a set time period while permanent life insurance can cover you until death, as long as your premiums are paid.


If you believe you'll only need life insurance for a set period, say 20 or 30 years, then a term life policy can be an affordable option. On the other hand, if you're interested in lifetime coverage or you want to own a life insurance policy that builds cash value as an investment vehicle, then it could be worth it to pay more in premiums for permanent coverage.

如果您認為您只需要一段固定期限的人壽保險,比如 20 年或 30 年,那麼定期人壽保險可能是一個合理的選擇。另一方面,如果您對終生保險感興趣,或者您想擁有將現金價值作為投資工具的人壽保險單,那麼購買永久保險支付較多的保費是值得的。

If you buy a term life insurance policy then later decide you want lifetime coverage, you may be able to convert your existing policy to permanent life insurance.


Mistake #3 — Allowing Premiums to Lapse

錯誤 #3 — 允許保費失效

When purchasing life insurance, you're expected to pay a premium in return for coverage. Again, these premiums can be based on your insurance risk class, which correlates to your age, health, and other factors. If you're considering buying a universal life policy with secondary guarantees—low-premium guaranteed death benefits for life or for a specified period of time—a late payment can impact the policy benefits.


Universal life is a special type of permanent policy that has been marketed as having long-term guaranteed protection at the lowest possible rate—it is very different from term insurance. While many of these types of policies have a cash surrender value, universal life with secondary guarantees focuses on maximizing the amount of insurance available per dollar of premium.


Some of these policies can be sensitive to the timing of premium payments. For example, if you happen to miss a monthly payment—or are more than a month late sending in your check—your guaranteed policy may no longer be guaranteed. A policy purchased with guaranteed coverage to age 100 might only provide protection to age 92 if one payment is late or missed, which could be problematic if you live longer.

其中一些政策可能對保費支付的時間很敏感。例如,如果您錯過了一次月付款 - 或延遲發送支票超過一個月 - 您的保證政策可能不再得到保證。如果一次付款延遲或錯過,您所購買的保證保險至100 歲的保單可能只提供到92歲保障,如果年紀更長,問題則會更大。

Mistake #4 — Forgetting Insurance Is an Investment


The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) considers a variable life insurance policy an investment, so it is important for you to treat it as one too.

金融業監管局 (FINRA) 將變額人壽保險單視為一項投資,因此您也必須將其視為一項投資。

A variable life insurance policy is a permanent type of policy that provides life insurance protection with cash value. Part of the premium goes toward life insurance, and part goes into a cash-value account that is invested in various investments similar to mutual funds that you choose. Like mutual funds, the value of these accounts fluctuates and is based on the performance of the underlying investments. People often look to these policy values in the future as a source of funds to supplement their retirement income.


You must fund a variable life policy sufficiently to maximize its cash value growth. This means continuing to make adequate premium payments, especially during times of poor investment returns. Paying less than originally planned can have a big impact on the cash value available to you in the future. It's also important to monitor your policy's performance and periodically rebalance your accounts to your desired allocation, just as you would with any investment account. This will help ensure you're not taking on more risk than you had planned when you set up your account.


Mistake #5 — Borrowing From Your Policy

錯誤 #5 — 從保單中藉錢

Permanent life insurance policies that accumulate cash value could be a source of funds when you need to borrow money. The cash value of a permanent policy can generally be used for any reason you see fit, including tax-free withdrawals and loans, if done properly.


This is a great benefit, but it must be carefully managed. If you take too much money out of your policy and your policy lapses or runs out of money, all the gains you've taken out will become taxable. Not to mention, you may significantly reduce the death benefit that's available to your beneficiaries when you pass away.


If you have taken too much money out and your policy is about to lapse, you may be able to maintain the policy by making additional premium payments, assuming you can afford them. When accessing your life insurance policy's cash value, be sure to monitor it closely and consult your tax advisor to avoid any unwanted tax liability.


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