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Business Interruption Insurance

Writer: epiainsuranceepiainsurance

Business Interruption Insurance is optional coverage that may be purchased as part of a comprehensive multi-peril commercial policy. Business interruption insurance coverage typically lists or describes the types of perils or causes of loss it covers. Perils or causes of loss that are not listed on, or not described in, the policy are typically not covered. Business interruption coverage typically can only be triggered if you have direct physical property loss that leads to the business interruption – for example, a fire or flood damaging your property that has caused you to suspend your business activities. 營業中斷險是可額外於您現有的商業保險上,選購附加的保險項目。營業中斷險的承保範圍內,通常會列出或描述其承保的風險類型或損失原因,若是其風險類型或損失原因未描述涵蓋於承保範圍內則不賠償。通常只有在您因財產損失導致營樣中斷(例如:因火災或洪水損壞您的財產而導致您需暫停營業)時才能觸發營業中斷險。

How will I know if I have business interruption insurance?


Not all commercial multi-peril policies include business interruption insurance. We strongly encourage businesses to review their policies, including policy exclusions, coverage limits, and applicable deductibles, and contact their insurance companies to determine what their policies cover as each insurance policy is different and the coverage varies. 並非所有的商業保險內都包含營業中斷險,我們建議您需定期審核您的商業保險內容,包含承保範圍及保額、適用的自付額、保單限制及不保事項,並與您的保險公司確認您的保單內容是否皆正確。

What help is available to businesses through the federal stimulus package passed by Congress?


Most businesses and non-profits with fewer than 500 employees will be able to apply for Small Business Administration 7(a) loans. Self-employed workers will also be able to apply for loans, as will workers employed by ride-sharing apps.Businesses will need to contact banks, credit unions and other lenders to apply for the loans. For more information please visit the Small Business Administration website ( 僱員少於500人的大多數企業和非營利組織將能夠申請小型企業管理7(a)貸款。自僱工人以及乘車共享應用程序僱用的工人也將能夠申請貸款。企業將需要聯繫銀行,信用合作社和其他貸方以申請貸款。有關更多信息,請訪問小型企業管理網站 (


If you have more question about insurance, feel free to contact us!

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