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Covered California: Consumers to Receive IRS Form 1095-A and Form FTB 3895

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Covered California: Consumers to Receive IRS Form 1095-A and Form FTB 3895

加州全保:消費者將收到美國國稅局1095-A表格 和FTB 3895表格

During tax season, Covered California sends two forms to its members:


1. The federal IRS Form 1095-A Health Insurance Marketplace Statement; and

2. The California Form FTB 3895 California Health Insurance Marketplace Statement.

1. 聯邦國稅局表格1095——A健康保險市場聲明;

2. 加州表格FTB 3895加州健康保險市場聲明

- IRS Form 1095-A

- 美國國稅局1095-A表格

IRS Form 1095-A is an important federal tax document that serves as proof of coverage for individuals to claim the premium tax credit, reconcile any Advanced Premium Tax Credit (APTC) received, and to file an accurate tax return for the 2020 tax year. The amount displayed on the IRS Form 1095-A reflects how much was paid to Covered California Health Insurance companies to help with the cost of a consumer's health coverage. An IRS Form 1095-A helps ensure the amount of APTC applied in 2020 is accurately reported and serves as proof of Minimum Essential Coverage.

1095-A 表格是一份重要的聯邦稅務文件,用於證明個人申請保費稅收抵免、核對收到的任何高級高級稅收抵免 (APTC)以及提交 2020 稅務年度的準確納稅申報表。1095-A 表格上顯示的金額反映了加州健康保險公司支付了多少金額來幫助消費者支付健康保險費用。1095-A 表格有助於確保準確報告 2020 年申請的 APTC 數量,並用作最低基本保險的證明。

-Form FTB 3895

-FTB 3895表格

The Form FTB 3895 is an important state tax document that serves as proof of coverage for individuals to claim the Premium Assistance Subsidy (state subsidy), reconciles any advanced state subsidy received, and to file an accurate tax return to avoid paying the state individual mandate penalty for the 2020 tax year. The amount displayed on Form FTB 3895 reflects how much was paid to Covered California Health Insurance companies to help with the cost of a consumer's health coverage. A Form FTB 3895 helps ensure the amount of state subsidy applied in 2020 is accurately reported and serves as proof of Minimum Essential Coverage.

FTB 3895 表格是一份重要的國家稅務文件,作為個人申請保費援助補貼(州補貼)的證明,對收到的任何州提前補貼進行核對,並提交準確的納稅申報表,以避免支付 2020 稅務年度的國家個人強制罰款。FTB 3895 表格上顯示的金額反映了加州健康保險公司支付了多少金額來幫助支付消費者的醫療保險費用。FTB 3895 表格有助於確保準確報告 2020 年國家補貼金額,並用作最低基本保險的證明。

Please Note: The IRS Form 1095-A and Form FTB 3895 is generated for each enrolled plan (except minimum coverage plans), regardless of if APTC/state subsidy was applied.

請注意:國稅局095-A表格和FTB 3895表格會為每個註冊計劃生成(最低覆蓋計劃除外),無論是否應用 APTC/州補貼。

Important Information:


Consumers should receive IRS Form 1095-A and Form FTB 3895 from Covered California by January 31, 2021, if they have not received it already.

If a consumer's communication preference is email, they will receive an email from Covered California with instructions to sign into their CalHEERS account and download their forms. They will not receive their forms in the mail.

If a consumer's communication preference is mail, they will receive their forms in the mail.

All consumers can access their IRS Form 1095-A and Form FTB 3895 in their CalHEERS account Home Page, or under Documents & Correspondence, even if their preference is mail.

如果消費者尚未收到國稅局1095-A表格和3895 表格,則在 2021 年 1 月 31 日之前收到來自加州全保的該表格。

如果消費者的通信偏好是電子郵件,他們將收到一封來自加州全保的電子郵件,其中包含登錄其 CalHEERS 帳戶並下載表單的說明。他們不會收到郵寄的表格。


所有消費者都可以在 CalHEERS 帳戶主頁或文檔和通信下訪問其國稅局1095-A表格和FTB 3895 表格,即使他們的偏好是郵件。

Now Available: IRS Form 1095-A and Form FTB 3895 Toolkit for Certified Enrollers contains detailed information about the Form 1095-A and Form FTB 3895 as well as other important resources and the premium assistance reconciliation process.

現已提供:國稅局1095-A表格和FTB 3895表格註冊者工具包,包含有關1095-A表格和FTB 3895 表格的重要信息,以及其他重要資源和保費援助對賬流程的詳細資訊。

For additional information, you can also visit the Tax Forms and Filing page on the Covered California website.





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