COVERED CALIFORNIA: New plan choices and rates for Small-Business Employers.

Covered California for Small Business unveiled the health plan choices and rates for small-business employers and their employees for the upcoming 2022 plan year. The statewide weighted average rate change is 4 percent, which represents the second-lowest annual increase in the program’s seven-year history, lower than the recent projection of 5.8 percent in the large employer market in 2022. The rate change is lower than national projected increases for larger employers.
Covered California for Small Business will offer four statewide plans in 2022, including two preferred provider organization (PPO) plans from Blue Shield of California and Health Net, both offering their broadest provider networks and two health maintenance organization (HMO) plans — which are provider- and hospital-based — from Kaiser Permanente and Blue Shield.
小型公司的加州全保將在2022年提供四個全州計劃,包括來自加州藍盾和Health Net的兩個優選醫療機構(PPO) 計劃,兩者都提供最廣泛的醫療網和兩個健康維護組織 (HMO) 計劃——它們是醫療網-和醫院基礎的 - 來自Kaiser Permanente和藍盾。
At EPIA inc., we know that different companies have different policies. That is why our agents work around the clock to make sure they meet your specific needs and keep your business covered!
在EPIA inc.,我們知道不同的公司提供不同的計劃,這就是為什麼我們的專員全天候工作,以確保滿足您的特定需求,並保證您的公司得到保障!
We have specialists to assist you in English, 普通话, 廣東話, 臺灣閩南語, Español and Português.
Learn more about us at or call (626) 912.1988
Source 資料來源:
EPIA inc. is a private Insurance Agency with no ties with legal entities. The information contained in this article is based on information provided by the Covered California Official Website. EPIA attempts to ensure that all material is up-to-date therefore is not responsible or liable in any manner for any errors or miss information announced on its main sources.
EPIA 公司是一家與法律實體沒有聯繫的私人保險機構。本文中包含的信息基於加州全保官方網站提供的信息。 EPIA 盡力確保所有信息都是最新的,因此對其主要來源公佈的任何錯誤或遺漏信息不承擔任何責任或義務。