COVID-19: Health Insurance & Employee Well-being

Covered California released the first national projection of how the COVID-19 pandemic will affect employer health insurance. The report predicts that employer premiums will rise in 2021 by 40 percent or more, absent federal action, which is certain to alarm many employers. But Jim Purcell, the former CEO of Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island and Co-Founder of Returns On Wellbeing Institute says that passing increases on health insurance to Employees shouldn't be done.全民健保計畫發布了關於新型冠狀病毒疫情將如何影響團體健康保險的預測。該報告預測,如果沒有採取聯邦行動,團體健康保險費將在2021年增加40%或更多,這肯定會引起許多雇主的警覺。 但是,藍十字與藍盾公司前首席執行官Jim Purcell表示,不應將健康保險保費增加轉嫁給員工負擔。
Passing Increases to Employees? Don’t Do It!
Even though most employers will see some premium increases, the question arises: should they expect workers to shoulder more of the burden by passing on health insurance cost increases? The answer is no. Absorbing higher health coverage costs might be a bitter pill for employers. Yet, from a bottom-line perspective, there are good, evidence-based reasons employers should not pass health insurance costs increases to employees. 即使大多數雇主都會看到保費持續上漲,但問題仍然存在,他們是否希望通過轉嫁健康保險上漲的成本,來讓員工承擔更多的財務負擔?答案是否定的。吸收更高的醫療保險費用可能對雇主來說是一個痛苦的決定。但是,從底線的角度來看,有充分的理由顯示雇主不應該將醫療保險費用的增加轉嫁給員工。
Why invest in your employees' well-being?
Well first of all, while employers have suffered, employees have suffered more, starting long before the current crisis. This means that employees are already choking on large deductibles and avoiding needed care because they can’t afford it. Add to that rising stress and depression, already high before COVID-19, and declining physical and financial well-being, higher employee healthcare costs leads to skipping preventive care and doctor visits, which exacerbates long-term chronic illnesses, increases healthcare costs and creates a “claims spiral.” At the end of this crisis, employees will remember how your company treated them when they were most vulnerable. "首先,儘管雇主因保費增加而痛苦,但員工遭受的痛苦卻要比當前的疫情早得多。員工需面對醫療保險內的大型自付額,並且由於無法大型負擔自付額而避免了許多必須的醫療護理。在新型冠狀病毒疫情前,就已經很高且不斷累積的壓力和沮喪感,以及身體和財務狀況的下降,較高的員工醫療費用將會導致員工選擇跳過預防保健和就診,這加重了長期慢性病的發生,也會增加未來的醫療費用。在這場疫情結束時,您的員工們將會記得公司在最脆弱的時候是如何對待他們。"
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