COVID-19 Vaccine - Most Asked Questions

You Have the Right to a COVID-19 Vaccine With NO Out-of-Pocket Cost.
Health plans1 regulated by the DMHC must cover COVID-19 vaccines and the administration costs without any enrollee cost-sharing. Cost-sharing includes co-pays, co-insurance, deductibles or other out-of-pocket costs.
Additionally, health plans must cover the costs of administering COVID-19 vaccines to health plan enrollees regardless of whether the vaccines are administered by in-network or out-of-network providers during the federally declared COVID-19 public health emergency.
What Should You Do if You Are Charged for a COVID-19 Vaccine?
If you receive a bill related to the coverage or administration of a qualifying COVID-19 vaccine, you should first file a grievance with your health plan and include a copy of the bill. Your health plan will review the grievance and should ensure the you are reimbursed. If you don't not agree with your health plan’s response or if the plan takes more than 30 days to fix the problem, you should file a complaint with the DMHC Help Center at or 1-888-466-2219.
如果您收到與合格的新冠病毒疫苗的保險範圍或管理相關的帳單,您應該首先對您的健康計劃提出投訴,附上帳單的副本。您的健康計劃將審核投訴,並應確保您得到償付。如果您不同意健康計劃的回應,或者計劃需要 30 天以上才能解決問題,您應該向加州公共衛生部門提交投訴,可通過 或撥打 1-888-466-2219
Can I register somewhere to get the COVID-19 vaccine? How will I be notified when it’s my turn to get it?
我可以在某处註冊接種 COVID-19 疫苗嗎?輪到我去接种的時候,我如何得到通知?
Yes. Every Californian can sign up at or call (833) 422-4255 to see if it’s their turn to get the COVID-19 vaccine. If you’re not currently eligible, you can sign up to be notified when it’s your turn.
Healthcare workers and individuals 65+ in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego Counties can book appointments immediately through the site or by calling (833) 422-4255. Online appointment scheduling for other groups and residents of other counties will be available soon.
舊金山、洛杉磯和聖地亞哥的醫護人員和65岁以上的個人可以通過 網站或致電 (833) 422-4255 立即預約。其他團體和其他縣居民的在線預約計劃將很快提供。
Will vaccines still work against the new variant?
Current vaccines were designed around earlier versions of coronavirus, but scientists believe they should still work against the new ones, although perhaps not quite as well.
Early results suggest the Pfizer vaccine protects against the new variants but is slightly less effective.
Data on two new coronavirus vaccines that could be approved soon - one from Novavax and another from Janssen - appear to offer some protection too.
Data from the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine team suggests it protects just as well against the new UK variant. It offers less protection against the South Africa variant - although it should still protect against severe illness.
來自牛津-阿斯利康的疫苗團隊的數據表明,它同樣能抵禦新的英國變種病毒。但它對南非變種病毒的抵抗不是那麼有效 - 雖然它仍然應該可以防止嚴重疾病。
Early results from Moderna suggest its vaccine is effective against the South Africa variant, although the immune response may not be as strong or long-lasting.
Even in the worst-case scenario, vaccines could be redesigned and tweaked to be a better match - in a matter or weeks or months, if necessary, say experts.
As with flu, where a new shot is given each year to account for any changes in circulating flu viruses, something similar could happen for coronavirus.