How companies are implementing coping strategies and stress-reduction techniques.

The Covid-19 pandemic is changing how the companies' regarding Research shows that companies are beginning to place an emphasis on employee emotional and mental health wellness during the COVID-19 pandemic. The National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions conducted an online survey of 256 companies across the country, and found more than half of employers are providing "special support for the emotional risks posed by COVID -19, 「新型冠狀病毒正在改變公司」這份研究報告顯示,公司在疫情期間開始重視員工的情緒和心理健康。醫療保健聯盟對全國256家公司進行了在線調查,發現超過一半的雇主正在為疫情帶來的情感風險提供特殊支持。
Mental health wellness must be a priority
During the current crisis and beyond, mental health wellness of employees should be a priority in the workplace, according to experts. ""One in every 5 American adults experience some form of mental illness — over 43 million Americans (...) The workplace can have both positive and negative effects on an employees' mental health "" - William Kassler, chief medical officer of government health and human services at IBM Watson Health. Research shows that companies are beginning to place an emphasis on employee emotional and mental health wellness during the COVID-19 pandemic. "專家說:“在當前及以後的危機中,員工的心理健康應該是工作場所的首要任務。 IBM Watson Health首席醫療官William Kassler 表示,超過4,300萬美國人的美國成年人患有某種形式的精神疾病,工作場所可能對員工的心理健康產生積極和消極的影響。 研究表明,在新型冠狀病毒疫情期間,公司開始重視員工的情緒和心理健康。
Example: Trusted Health coping strategies
Nurses employed by Trusted Health who are working in facilities with COVID-19 patients will have access to an emotional support line staffed by a nurse practitioner faculty, including mental health experts and supervised students. The support network will discuss stress factors with callers and "offer coping strategies and stress-reduction techniques," according to Trusted Health. Nurses who call the emotional support line may then opt to participate in a four- or eight-week wellness support partnership program through the college. 由Trusted Health僱用的護士,在新型冠狀病毒患者的設施中工作,將可以使用由心理保健專家和輔導學生組成的護士情感支持專線。根據Trusted Health指出,專線將與致電者溝通,並提供應對策略和減少壓力的建議。致電情感支持專線的護士,也可參加為期四週或八週的支持計劃。
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