Important! California Premium Subsidy Reconciliation and Repayment

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act increased the amount of federal financial help for 2021 and 2022. In May 2021, consumer eligibility was updated in CalHEERS to apply the ARP subsidies, which saved consumers more on their monthly premiums and replaced the state financial help they were getting through Covered California. As a result of the increased ARP federal subsidies replacing the state subsidies, consumers who received California state subsidies for health coverage in 2021 (from January through April) may have to pay back some or all of the amount, up to the repayment limits, to the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) when filing their 2021 state taxes. 美國救援計劃 (ARP) 法案增加了 2021 年和 2022 年的聯邦財政援助金額。2021 年 5 月,CalHEERS (加州醫療保健資格、登記和保留系統)對消費者使用 ARP 補貼的資格進行了改革,這些補貼將取代他們通過加州健保獲得的州財政援助,這意味著消費者每月可以節省更多保費。在報 2021 年的州稅時,2021 年1 月至 4 月期間曾獲得加州政府健康保險補貼的消費者可能必須向加州稅務局(FTB)償還限額以內的部分或全部補貼。
For more information about state How to Reconcile Subsidies, Calculate Pay Back, and the California Health Insurance Marketplace Statement, including resources for consumers who need help repaying state subsidy amounts, visit the FTB 2021 Subsidy Reconciliation website. 有關加州如何核算補貼、計算還款金額和加州健康保險市場聲明的更多信息,包括為償還州補貼金額的消費者提供幫助的資源,請訪問加州稅務局(FTB)2021年補貼核算網站。
Source 資料來源:
EPIA inc. is a private Insurance Agency with no ties with legal entities. The information contained in this article is based on information provided by the State of California Franchise Tax Board's Official Website. Consumer questions on how to file their federal or state income taxes should be referred to a tax professional.
EPIA Inc.是一家私人保險代理機構,獨立於其他任何法人實體。本文信息來源於加州稅務局(FTB)官方網站。關於如何提交聯邦或州所得稅的問題,請咨詢稅務專業人士。