Medicare Q&A

With recent government-approved budget increases and the enrollment period coming up you might begin to have some doubts and questions about Medicare. What's changed? What aspects should I consider? How do my conditions affect my coverage?
In this Q&A we'll answer your most frequently asked questions to help you get the best coverage you can.
How do I qualify for Medicare’s Extra Help Program?
Lower-income Medicare beneficiaries may receive financial assistance through Medicare’s Extra Help program. If you have difficulty paying for prescriptions, the Extra Help program – also known as the Low-Income Subsidy (LIS) – can make prescriptions and plan premiums more affordable than they would be with Medicare Part D alone.
低收入聯邦醫療保險紅藍卡受益人可以通過額外援助助計劃獲得經濟援助。如果您在支付處方藥費用時遇到困難,額外援助計劃(也稱為低收入補貼 (LIS))可以使處方藥和保險保費比單獨使用D部分更實惠。
Your income and resources determine the level of help you receive and the requirements fluctuate year by year. You’ll automatically receive Extra Help if you have both Medicare and Medicaid, the Medicare Savings Program, or Supplemental Security Income.
To be eligible for Extra Help, your income in 2021 cannot exceed $19,140 for an individual or $25,860 for a married couple living together. In addition, resources must not exceed $14,790 for an individual and $29,520 for married couples (the financial limits are higher if you have dependents living with you or if you live in Alaska or Hawaii).
要獲得額外援助的資格,您2021年的個人收入不得超過$19,140美元,同居的已婚夫婦的收入不得超過$25,860美元。此外,個人財力不得超過$14,790美元,已婚夫婦財力不得超過 $29,520美元(如果您有家屬與您同住,或者您住在阿拉斯加或夏威夷,則財務限額比較高)。
Resources do not include your car or home but do include stocks, bonds, and bank accounts. A recent law excludes some additional resources, making it easier for more beneficiaries to get Extra Help. Life insurance policies don’t count as resources, and financial assistance you receive from friends or relatives to help pay your household expenses is not considered income.
Will Extra Help reduce my out-of-pocket costs?
Enrollees who receive Extra Help in 2021 will pay no more than $3.70 for each generic drug and $9.20 for brand-name drugs. That is a valuable benefit that the Social Security Administration estimates are worth an average of about $5,000 per year.
In addition to having lower copayments, Extra Help enrollees also have their Part D plan deductibles reduced or eliminated (depending on their income). The federal government also pays Part D premiums on behalf of Extra Help enrollees – up to a benchmark amount and eliminates the Part D late enrollment penalty for beneficiaries who would otherwise have to pay it.
Do I need to sign up for Medicare at 65 if I’m still working?
Medicare eligibility starts at age 65. Your initial window to enroll is the seven-month period that begins three months before the month of your 65th birthday and ends three months after it. Seniors are generally advised to sign up on time to avoid penalties that could prove quite costly throughout retirement.
Can I enroll in Medicare if I have a health savings account?
Once you sign up for Medicare, you’re no longer eligible to contribute to a health savings account (HSA), so in some cases, it pays to hold off on enrolling.
一旦您註冊了聯邦醫療保險紅藍卡,您就不再有資格向健康儲蓄賬戶 (HSA) 供款,因此在某些情況下,延遲註冊是值得的。
Health savings accounts offer a great opportunity to sock away funds on a tax-free basis to pay for healthcare costs during your working years and retirement. To be eligible to participate in an HSA, you must be enrolled in a high-deductible health insurance plan. HSA contribution limits change from year to year. For 2021, they’re $3,600 at the individual level and $7,200 for families. If you’re 55 or older, you can contribute an extra $1,000 on top of the limit you qualify for.
健康儲蓄賬戶提供了一個很好的機會,可以在免稅的基礎上存入資金,來支付您工作和退休期間的醫療保健費用。要符合參加健康儲蓄帳戶的資格,您必須註冊高自付額的健康保險計劃。健康儲蓄帳戶的供款限額每年都在變化。2021年個人為 $3,600美元,家庭為 $7,200美元。如果您年滿55歲,則可以在正常的限額上額外供款$1,000美元。
In 2022, the same $1,400 (individual) and $2,800 (family) deductible requirements will dictate HSA eligibility. Contribution limits, however, will rise to $3,650 for individuals and $7,300 for families. The same $1,000 catch-up option will remain in place for savers aged 55 and over.
HSA contributions get to grow tax-free once invested, and withdrawals are tax-free provided they’re used for qualified medical expenses. However, if you’re enrolled in Medicare, you’ll no longer be eligible to contribute to an HSA. Therefore, if you’re approaching your 65th birthday and still have access to a group health plan, you may want to hold off on enrolling.
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