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Retirement Tips For 2022

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Retirement Tips For 2022

2022 年退休小貼士

The Covid-19 pandemic has triggered lots of anxiety among those who invest in their retirement. The economic fallout from the crisis has forced many to reconsider their goals, and you may have even retired early with less saved than you might have planned.


As we head into the new year, it’s a good time to take stock and think about how you can work toward your retirement goals over this year. Certain principles never go out of style: Spend conservatively, save as aggressively as you are able and prepare for the unexpected.


To better help you make the right decisions for your future, here are some useful tips that can help guide your retirement strategy throughout 2022.

為了更好地幫助您為未來做出正確的決定,這裡有一些有用的提示,可以幫助您指導整個 2022 年的退休策略。

1. Review Your Retirement Plan

1. 審查您的退休計劃

Set yourself up for success in the new year by taking time to review your retirement plan. Talk to your financial advisor, if you have one, about any changes in your financial life over the last year and take the opportunity to consider whether your current retirement strategy still makes sense.


Though it might help you conceptualize and achieve your financial goals, it’s important to have a clear vision of what retirement means for you and to communicate this to your advisor.

明確退休對您的意義並將其傳達給您的顧問至關重要, 它可能還會幫助您構想並實現您的財務目標。

If you are ahead in saving for retirement, consider adjusting your portfolio or even retiring earlier. If you’re behind, think about boosting your savings rate, investing more aggressively, or cutting your expenses to free up more cash to invest.


2. Reassess Your Risk Tolerance

2. 重新評估您的風險承受能力

It’s only natural to feel a bit battered as we enter year three of the Covid-19 pandemic. In light of the extreme events over the last two years, this could be the right time to think about whether your risk tolerance has changed.


Risk tolerance is how much potential for the loss you’re willing to take on for higher possible gains. You can get a sense of your risk tolerance by thinking through how you would react to a significant investment loss or reflecting back on what decisions you’ve made in the past when markets have tanked. Being honest with yourself about your tolerance for risk helps you build a retirement portfolio that makes you feel comfortable when markets inevitably become unsettled.


The rapid stock market crash of early 2020 and the bull market that’s been underway ever since have potentially changed how you view the stock market and risk. Some investors have reacted by becoming more eager to take on risks while others have become more risk-averse.

2020 年初的快速股市崩盤和此後一直在進行的牛市可能改變了您對股市和風險的看法。一些投資者的反應是變得更加渴望承擔風險,而另一些投資者則變得更加規避風險。

How has your risk tolerance changed?


There’s no simple answer to this question. As retirement approaches, risk tolerance generally declines as investors have less time to compensate for portfolio losses, but depending on your broader financial situation, this may apply less to you. Consider where you are in your investment life cycle and how your appetite for risk may have changed. You may need to alter your asset allocation to insulate yourself against large market swings.


3. Maximize Your Tax-Advantaged Retirement Savings


Tax-advantaged retirement plans are the best tools you have to achieve your retirement goals. As you’re reviewing your financial plans for 2022, make sure you’re taking maximum advantage of your retirement accounts.

稅收優惠退休計劃是您實現退休目標的最佳工具。在審查 2022 年的財務計劃時,請確保您最大限度地使用退休賬戶。

The contribution limits for workplace retirement plans have increased for 2022. You may contribute a total of $20,500 to your 401(k) account, up a bit from the 2021 limit of $19,500. Catch-up contributions for savers who are 50 or older remain $6,500. If you’re turning 50 this year, look at your budget and see if you can’t raise your total contributions to take advantage of this higher threshold of up to $27,000.

2022 年企業退休計劃的供款限額有所增加。您可以向 401(k) 帳戶總共供款 20,500 美元,比 2021 年的 19,500 美元限額略有增加。 50 歲或 50 歲以上儲蓄者的補繳供款仍為 6,500 美元。如果您今年將年滿 50 歲,請檢查您的預算,看看您是否可以再提高總供款,以充分利用高達 27,000 美元的更高限額。

The 2022 contribution limits remain $6,000 for traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs, and catch-up contributions for people who are 50 or older are still $1,000. If your income is lower or you’ve found yourself in a lower tax bracket, take another look at opening a Roth IRA (or engaging in a Roth conversion) to get tax-free income in retirement that’s free of required minimum distributions (RMDs).

傳統 IRA 和 Roth IRA 的 2022 年供款限額仍為 6,000 美元,50 歲或以上人士的補繳供款仍為 1,000 美元。如果您的收入較低或者您發現自己處於較低的稅級,請再考慮開設 Roth IRA賬戶(或進行 Roth 轉換)以在退休時獲得無需強制最低提款(RMD)的免稅收入.

4. Analyze Your Current Spending to Estimate Retirement Income Needs

4. 分析您當前的支出以預估退休收入需求

Whether retirement is just around the corner or years away, it’s worth getting a clear picture of your spending patterns in the here and now to help inform how much income you’ll need in retirement.


When you know where every dollar is going, you can plan a budget that’s free of wasteful spending—and you may even discover that you can boost your retirement savings with little impact on your current lifestyle.


This exercise is about more than just tightening up your current budget, though. You need a clear understanding of your expenses today to determine what your income needs will be in retirement.


One rule of thumb suggests that retirees need to replace 80% of their pre-retirement income. Your personal replacement rate could be more or less than this figure, but first, get a handle on your current spending to make informed decisions about retirement income needs.

一項經驗性的原則表明,退休人員需要新的收入來替代其退休前收入的 80%。您的個人替代率可能高於或低於此數字,但首先,請瞭解您當前的支出,以便就退休收入需求做出明智的決定。

Certain expenses will go away, like commuting costs, childcare and education spending, but these may be replaced by other needs, like higher medical spending or more leisure costs. Be especially realistic about travel plans and recreation so you can take full advantage of your hard-earned freedom from work.


5. Refine Your Retirement Health Care Strategy

5. 完善您的退休醫療保健策略

Ensuring that you’re planning for an adequate level of health care coverage is a key part of your retirement strategy. As you age, your health care needs will increase, and you’ll want to make sure that you’ve saved enough to get covered. A recent Fidelity study found that a couple will spend $300,000 on co-pays, additional premiums, and other uncovered expenses during retirement.

確保您爲獲得足夠的醫療保險保障作出安排是您退休策略的關鍵部分。隨著年齡的增長,您的醫療保健需求會增加,您需要確保自己的儲蓄足以使您得到保障。富達最近的一項研究發現,一對夫婦在退休期間將花費 300,000 美元用於門診費、附加保費和其它自付費用。

These out-of-pocket costs will take a bite out of retirement savings, so it’s wise to prepare. One way you can get ahead of these issues is by understanding your options when it comes to Medicare.


6. Maximize Your HSA Contributions

6. 最大化您的醫療儲蓄賬戶(HSA)儲蓄額

When it comes to your retirement health care costs, there’s no better way to financially prepare than contributing to a health savings account (HSA).

談到您的退休醫療保健費用,沒有比為醫療儲蓄賬戶 (HSA) 存款更好的財務準備方法了。

You get a triple tax advantage when investing with an HSA: Contributions are made with pre-tax dollars, lowering your taxable income; they grow tax-free while they’re in the account, and you won’t owe taxes on any amount you withdraw for qualified medical expenses. And if you do have to make withdrawals for non-medical spending, they’re treated like traditional IRA withdrawals, meaning you only owe income taxes on what you take out, as long as you’re 65 or older.

使用 HSA 進行投資時,您可以獲得三重稅收優勢:以稅前美元存款,降低您的納稅收入;存款在帳戶中時免稅增長;並且您無需為為符合條件的醫療費用而提取的任何金額繳稅。如果您確實必須為非醫療支出提款,它們會像傳統的 IRA 提款一樣被處理,這意味著只要您年滿 65 歲或以上,您只需為取出的金額繳納所得稅。

The main downside to an HSA is that not anyone can open this type of account: They are only available to those covered by high deductible health insurance plans.

HSA 的主要缺點是不是任何人都可以開設這種類型的賬戶:它們僅適用於購買了高免賠額健康保險計劃的人。

If you are HSA eligible, you also need to make sure you use your account effectively if you plan to use it to save for retirement: Less than 10% of current HSA holders invest their funds. Uninvested cash steadily loses value over time as inflation rises, meaning uninvested HSA dollars may hold a fraction of their current purchasing power when you retire.

如果您符合 HSA 資格,如果您計劃使用它來為退休儲蓄,您還需要確保高效使用您的帳戶:目前只有不到 10% 的 HSA 持有者會投資他們的資金。隨著通貨膨脹的上升,未投資的現金隨著時間的推移穩步貶值,這意味著未投資的 HSA 美元在您退休時可能只等值於其當前購買力的一小部分。

7. Understand Your Retirement Income Options

7. 瞭解您的退休收入選項

You should start thinking about your retirement income needs well before you retire. In fact, retirement planning could very well be renamed retirement income planning as the entire point is to establish your post-retirement income stream on a solid foundation.


A core pillar of your retirement income plan is Social Security. Americans can begin taking benefits at age 62, but the longer you delay, the more your monthly payments will be when you do opt into the program. This is just one step you can take to increase your Social Security benefits.

退休收入計劃的核心支柱是社會保障。美國人可以從 62 歲開始領取福利,但您越晚開始領取,您開始領取時每月支付的金額就越多。這只是您可以採取的增加社會保障福利的一個步驟。

The other big source of income is distributions from your tax-advantaged retirement plans. After decades of making carefully considered contributions, you can start withdrawing money penalty-free once you turn 59 and a half. It may even be in your best interest to delay taking withdrawals as long as possible and let your investments compound, until required minimum distributions (RMDs) kick in at age 72, depending on how much money you have saved in other places.

另一個重要的收入來源是稅收優惠退休計劃的取款。經過數十年認真的供款,您可以在年滿 59 歲半後開始提取退休金而免於罰款。盡可能延遲取款並讓您的投資以複利計算,直到年滿72 歲最低取款要求 (RMD) 生效,這可能符合您的最佳利益,當然這也取決於您在其他地方存了多少錢。

If you’re already retired, now is also the right time to map out your 2022 distributions from tax-advantaged accounts. A top retirement planning tip is to understand opportunities to take withdrawals from 401(k)s and IRAs when your income is low.

如果您已經退休,現在也是從稅收優惠賬戶中規劃 2022 年取款的合適時間。一個退休計劃首要提示是,您的收入較低時也是從 401(k)s 和 IRA 中提款的時機。

A Final Word on Retirement Planning


When it comes to retirement planning, the key is to start early and keep your eye on the ball. Retirement planning isn’t a one-time exercise, and monitoring your accounts and implementing strategies that will help you progress toward your goals should be an ongoing process.


Working with a professional financial advisor is one of the best ways to develop a realistic financial plan and investment strategy that will keep you on track to enjoy a financially comfortable retirement.


Team EPIA Inc. is committed to offering clients the highest levels of protection at a price that fits their budget. We have all the tools and experience to create a custom-built policy to cover all your insurance needs. Talk to one of our agents and get the security you need.


Source 資料來源:


EPIA inc. is a private Insurance Agency with no ties with legal entities. The information contained in this article is based on information provided by the Forbes Official Website. EPIA attempts to ensure that all material is up-to-date therefore is not responsible or liable in any manner for any errors or miss information announced on its main sources.

權威保險是一家與法律實體沒有聯繫的私人保險機構。本文所含信息基於福布斯官網提供的信息。 權威保險試圖確保所有材料都是最新的,因此對其主要來源公佈的任何錯誤或遺漏信息不承擔任何責任或義務。


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