Senate approves increased medicare budget.

Older Americans would see their health coverage expanded as part of the $3.5 trillion budget plan approved by the House on Tuesday.
Medicare is relied on by most Americans once they reach the eligibility age of 65. It would provide coverage for dental, vision, and hearing under the budget resolution. In addition, the age when people can sign up would be lowered, most likely to age 60, as President Joe Biden has said he supports.
大多數美國人一旦達到65歲的年齡,就會依賴聯邦醫療保險。該保險計劃將根據預算決議,為牙科、視力和聽力提供保險。此外,人們可以註冊的年齡有望可以降到 60 歲,正如拜登總統所說,他非常支持這項新的計劃。
Although there’s no certainty that everything in the budget plan will make it through the congressional process, Medicare advocates are hopeful that the coverage of the extra benefits will come to fruition.
About 62.8 million individuals are enrolled in Medicare, the majority being 65 or older and rely on it as their primary health insurance. The program was created through congressional legislation in 1965 under President Lyndon Johnson and reflected standards at the time, which didn’t involve widespread coverage for dental, vision, and hearing.
大約有6,280萬人參加了聯邦醫療保險,其中大多數人的年齡在 65 歲或以上,他們將聯邦健康保險作為他們的主要的健康保險。該計劃於1965年,在約翰遜總統的領導下,通過國會立法創建,反映了當時的標準要求,其中不涉及牙科、視力和聽力的保險保障。
Original Medicare consists of Part A (hospital coverage) and Part B (outpatient care coverage). Excluding limited exceptions, there is no coverage related to dental, vision, or hearing, which can lead to beneficiaries forgoing care.
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