D&O(董事及高級職員責任保險)保險,為非營利、營利和私營企業的董事和高級職員提供責任保險。董事和高級職員責任保險,將能保護他們因不當的管理決策影響公司財務狀況,而所受的法律訴訟費用賠償等等 。
D&O insurance policies offer liability insurance coverage for the Directors and Officers of non-profit, for-profit, and privately held businesses. Directors and Officers insurance helps protect them from defense costs and damages which may arise from managerial decisions that may have adverse financial consequences.

The cost of D&O insurance is based on a variety of factors, including the type of business, your company's revenues, whether you have had prior legal claims, and the amount of debt.
If you have more question about health insurance, feel free to contact us!
電話 Phone: 626-912-1988
Email: info@epiagroup.com
文章來源 Source: https://www.thehartford.com/management-liability-insurance/d-o-liability-insurance/types-costs